We Manage Mobility
While You Manage
Your Business

We are trusted advisors on global mobility and immigration issues worldwide.

Global Mobility and Immigration Services

We Understand Global Mobility.
With More Experience. In More Places.

Our service assists numerous multinationals in handling all legal aspects of forming and running a global management workforce across multiple borders including the broad range of global mobility and immigration law requirements.

We routinely advise leading companies on all aspects of global mobility including :

  • Setting up to shutting down and labor law implications
  • Opening subsidiaries with single employees vs stay at home cross-border employment
  • Establishing global employment companies (GECs)
  • Preparing global mobility policies and terms and conditions for expatriates
  • Drafting global management and employment contract forms at all levels
  • Adapting all contracts to local law in over 95 countries
  • Differences in labor law protections between management and lower level management
  • Advising on compensation schemes vs. mandatory local law benefits
  • Changing of benefits worldwide and how to address
  • How to use social security treaties in global mobility planning
  • Straight transfers and transfers with or without guaranteed returns
  • Dual employment structures and secondments
  • Split contract structures
  • Short term assignments and policies
  • Disciplinary actions involving expatriates under different legal systems
  • Exits and negotiation of management settlements
  • Post termination non-competes and restrictive covenants
  • Use of independent consultants
  • Outsourcing management to third party providers
  • Claims and litigation arising from international contracts
  • Immigration and visa strategies and implementation
  • And more


Recent assignments include advising a Swiss multinational on severance standards and calculations for management across 25 countries; advising a US multinational in the FMG sector on rolling out changes in bonus and other programs worldwide; drafting global management templates agreements for two multinationals and adapting them to local law in over 40 countries and then advising on how to implement changes by manager on a country by country basis; advising on high level compliance issues under US law and in the Gulf States and local law aspects; advising on termination of cross-border managers with split contracts in Belgium and the Netherlands; settling cross-border terminations between the US, UK and Germany; advising on moving workforce from German to Dutch payroll; resolving a cross-border exit between Sweden and the US including possible discrimination issues; advising on sexual harassment charges against a European manager in Chile; litigating numerous labor defenses in France; defending management from criminal charges in Turkey; advising on cross-border stay at home employee structures throughout the Middle East and Africa; and the same for another company in the Baltics; revamping the global mobility programs of three leading multinationals including completely new documentation including policies and contracts from scratch; winning a major claims litigation in Spain arising from a career employment across three disparate countries involving 3 different legal regimes; and more.

The List Could Go On.
But If the Question is Do We or Have We?

  • An Overnight Briefing on EU Works Councils?
  • Enforceability of Global Non Competes?
  • Age Discrimination in the US?
  • A Management Contract in Turkey?
  • A Termination in Thailand Tomorrow?
  • A Union Negotiation in Korea?
  • Outsourcing to India?
  • Or to Central Europe?
  • A New Expat Structure in Japan?
  • Setting Up Management in China?
  • Outsourcing Management in Australia?
  • Exiting from South Africa?
  • Localizing Expats Anywhere?

The Answer is Yes.

And in global immigration, we routinely will advise on the best strategies for placing an expat within any country, from board level subsidiary directors to staff level managers to head of departments including technical advisors and hardware and software technicians and then we will work with you to obtain the proper visas or make sure you have the right and most cost effective resources to process the paperwork so that your key employees arrive on time in their new countries.

Special Services for Global Mobility Departments

For Global Mobility departments or functions we provide a wide range of platforms and programs including company-wide reviews and sanity checks to all your Global Mobility programs and documentation, provide training to your in-house specialists on all legal implications of your programs, provide online seminars and webinars, on-call hotlines including on-line video conferences and also single point of contact services for finalizing global management contracts and exits and settlements so you are only one call away from Global Mobility solutions.

Go Global With Us.

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