
With 20 years of experience, Johansen specialises in labor and employment law and pension and assists a number of Norwegian and international companies with all employment related legal issues, including downsizings and transfer and undertakings. He has extensive experience with and expertise in pension schemes, including work with private and public pension funds. Johansen also advises on corporate engagements such as mergers and acquisitions.
Professional Experience:
- Partner, Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA, 2008 – Present
- Senior Associate/Associate, Advokatfirmaet Selmer DA, 2000 – 2008
- Senior Associate/Associate, Advokatfirmaet Rauland AS, 1998 – 2000
- Education: Candidate in Jurisprudence, University of Oslo, 1998
- Specialization, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy (CEPMLP), University of Dundee, Scotland,1997
Languages: Norwegian, English
Professional Memberships:
- Member of the Norwegian Bar Association
- Member of European Employment Lawyers Association (EELA)
- The national correspondent for the publication European Employment Law Cases (EELC)
- Johansen is also an external examiner within Employment law at the faculty of law at University of Oslo
- Pensjon og virksomhetsoverdragelse (Pension and Mergers/Acquisitions), co-author, Arbeidsrett 2007, p. 56
- Materialsamling i arbeidsrett (Material Collection in Labour Law), 2004, co-author
- Skolejuss – Praktisk oppslagsverk for grunnskolen (Law for Schools – Practical Reference for Primary Schools), 1999, co-author
- The Executive Remuneration Review – Norway, 2012, co-author
Our affiliate in Norway, founded in 1985, is one of Norway’s leading full-service legal practices with 160 employees. The firm is unique in having a company structure that includes both accountants and economists, unique in the Norwegian legal industry, enabling our firm to give interdisciplinary advice that other firms cannot.
Labor and Employment Practice:
The Norwegian team includes Norway’s top labor lawyers, who can provide counsel on any issue of employment law. Areas of expertise range from pensions and transactions to reorganization and collective agreements. The firm also offers its clients management training courses in employment and pension law. Lawyers from our affiliate’s employment law team regularly collaborate with lawyers from the firm’s other teams to ensure that the client always receives the most thorough, relevant solution
The Plus – Business Law Capacity:
The firm is a leader in Norwegian transactions with expertise in all major business law practice areas, including company law, construction, securities, and taxes, among many others. The firm regularly assists clients in international mergers and acquisitions and has a thorough knowledge of the legal landscape throughout Europe.
The firm represents domestic and international clients across a range of industry sectors, including finance, service, and telecommunications. A list of clients is available upon request.
Key Facts:
- Locations: Oslo, Trondheim, Stavanger
- Size: 54 Partners, 84 Associates
- Business Law Practice Areas: Labor & Employment Law and Pension; Stock Exchange and Securities law; Digital Conversion; Compliance; Property; Enterprise; EU, EEA and Competition Law; Financial Analysis and Transaction Support; Bankruptcy; Finance; BIM; Financial Services; Renewable Energy and Environment; Trade and Industry; Intellectual Property and Marketing Law; IT Procurement and Outsourcing; Contract Law; Media and Telecom; Public Sector – Government Contract; Offshore and Shipping; Oil and Gas; Privacy and GDPR; Private Equity; Restructuring and Insolvency; Company; Taxes and Duties; Transactions and M&A Transportation and Logistics; Dispute Settlement; Venture Capital.
- Languages: Croatian, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
- Named “Law Firm of the Year” by the International Financial Law Review
- Listed in Chambers Europe, The Legal 500, and IFLR1000 for excellence in a variety of business law practice areas, including employment and oil and gas
- Chambers’ Client Service Award 2012 for best Norwegian Law Firm for excellent client service.